Tutorial para punto de rosetón con puntos radiales


30 de March de 2022 By admin 0

Tutorial for rosette stitch with radial points:

Welcome to the tutorial for rosette point with radial points.

Used in solid circles for flowers, wheels, etc.. Loose spirals can be made in a similar way.

The effect will be that of a round rose with different layers. You can leave the center uncovered to put a stitch of French knot and emulate the center of a flower, as in the photos we put right here. This type of flower with rosette stitch usually has a considerable relief and only requires embroidering a few leaves around to give it the finishing touch.

How do you do that?

  1. Pull out the thread stretched to the surface, in the center of the circle.
  2. Fig. A: Arrange the yarn stretched around the middle stitch and mark with a stitch, alternately, each line along, but only on the first round. In the second, place the attachment points on the marked lines. Continue to pull the stretched thread in a gentle spiral, placing each stitch halfway between two stitches on the previous round.
  3. Always pull the needle out of the edge and point all stitches towards the center. again, the stitches in the center will be closer to each other than the ones on the outside, so you can add extra stitches around the edge. At the end of the spiral, secure the thread extended as shown above.

Now I’m going to explain more visually how it’s done:

Example 1 with drawings of how it is done
Example 2 with drawings of how it is done
Here we see how we pass the needle under the radial points.

Here’s the video of how it’s done:

I have made the radial points so that they can be seen, but then you can see in pictures that may also be underneath. Fascinating!

Examples I’ve seen on the internet in pictures of where you can apply it the rosette point enhanced with radial points:

Sewing below the radial points:

Here the radial points are covered and the centre has been adorned with a beautiful jewelry pearl:

In tablecloths
Here again the radial points remain above, remaining perfectly concealed.

Sewing above the radial points:

Another example of how the radial point is down and therefore in relief
I liked this example because with only half a wheel you can perfectly imitate a flower about to open
Otro ejemplo cosiendo por encima de los puntos radiales

And basically where do you think of it... what do you like it?


  • You need a sharp pointed needle. In your trusted haberdashery they can advise you on this.
  • Thimble, we know that it is not easy to get used to it, but the earlier you adapt, the better, you will avoid many punctures.
  • Special thread for sewing. Or you can also use fine crochet yarn if it is to decorate something
  • Frame, there are made of wood, plastic and silicone. Lately I spend the silicone ones because I like them better, but that goes to taste.
  • Light, the more the better and to be able to be natural

If you liked this lesson of fantasy point.You can try some more of the ones we publish here