Tutorial for Collalba Stitch:


25 de May de 2022 By admin 0

Tutorial for Collalba Stitch:

Here’s the Tutorial for Collalba Stitch::

What is it used for?

This stitch is used regularly or randomly scattered as a filler or foliage effect, or worked individually as ears of wheat.

Works in any direction:

How do you do that?

Fig. APull the needle out at 1 and pull it into 2. Pass the whole needle through, leaving a loop of the yarn on the surface. Pull the needle out again at 3, inside the loop, and pass the whole needle through.

Puntos para el Punto de Collalba

Fig. B: Make a loose chain stitch, reinserting the needle in 3, leaving another loop of yarn on the surface and pulling the needle out in 4, inside this second loop. Insert the needle at 5, outside the loop, to hold the chain stitch in place.

Repeat the steps as needed.

Here is the Tutorial for Punto de Collalba:

Isn't it cool?


  • You need a sharp pointed needle. In your trusted haberdashery they can advise you on this.
  • Thimble, we know that it is not easy to get used to it, but the earlier you adapt, the better, you will avoid many punctures.
  • Special thread for sewing. Or you can also use fine crochet yarn if it is to decorate something
  • Frame, there are made of wood, plastic and silicone. Lately I spend the silicone ones because I like them better, but that goes to taste.
  • Light, the more the better and to be able to be natural

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