Tutorial para presilla sencilla. Barras de ojal separada:


13 de September de 2021 By admin 0

Tutorial for Single Bartack and Separate Eyelet Bars

Here you have another very interesting point. This tutorial for single bartack and separate eyelet bars will be very helpful. Highly recommended also for patchwork.

This stitch must be worked before cutting the excess fabric.

In Fig. A; Pull the needle out at 1, put it in 2, pull it out again a short distance at 3, and put it back in 4. Pull it out again just below 1 to start the festoon filling.

Figure A1. First step to do step A

Here we can see how it follows in Figure A2:

A kind of bond is forming

There is only the last step that we explain below:

Fig. B: Trabaja el punto de ojal de izquierda a derecha sobre los dos puntos largos anteriores, sin perforar el tejido, pero apretando los puntos para que la serie quede lisa. En el extremo derecho de la misma, inserta la aguja justo por debajo del punto 2 para rematarla a última lazada.

From here we invite you to try it and you will be surprised by the effect. I encourage you to try and you will love it.

Follow the tutorial step by step and you will see how while you are sewing you can think of other ways to make other stitches, even combined with all the ones that I am putting here. You can use it both in borders, as in curtains, sheets, towels etc. or as a simple ornament point in one of your paintings. It is best to follow the video step by step here:


  • You need a sharp pointed needle. In your trusted haberdashery they can advise you on this.
  • Thimble, we know that it is not easy to get used to it, but the earlier you adapt, the better, you will avoid many punctures.
  • Special thread for sewing. Or you can also use fine crochet yarn if it is to decorate something
  • Frame, there are made of wood, plastic and silicone. Lately I spend the silicone ones because I like them better, but that goes to taste.
  • Light, the more the better and to be able to be natural

If you liked this lesson in fancy knitting, you can try some more of the ones we publish here