Patchwork 004- Rag dolls - Other cats




These cats made with the technique of patchwork are a great gift idea. They can also be used to decorate a bed or a room, as in my case. Don't forget to share and like them. If you want more information you can visit the website: or write to:

Patchwork sleepy cat

I would like to show you here several models of kittens that can be an ideal gift for young and old. Here is the first one:

Sleepy cat

Sleepy cat

Pair of cats with patchwork checkered cloth

Look how beautiful they look as a pair. They are the perfect decoration. This pair of kittens is ideal. It's the whole pattern in one piece. I added that bell that gives it a very funny touch.

Pair of cats with checkered cloth

Pair of cats with checkered cloth

Pair of cats with checkered patchwork backing

Here I show you the back. I sewed a spiral on one, with sequins:

Checkered cat, rear

Checkered cat, rear

Details of the cat's face with patchwork plaid fabric

Here you can see that the eyes and the snout are made with felt, the mouth is sewn with thread and then the rattle:

Detail of the cat's face with checkered cloth

Detail of the cat's face with checkered cloth

Detail of the cat with checkered fabric on the back in patchwork technique:

Again, in more detail, the back with its sequins:

Detail of the back of the cat with checkered cloth

Detail of the back of the cat with checkered cloth

Another pattern idea for the same kitten with patchwork technique

Otra idea de estampado para el mismo patrón de gatitos

Kitten with flower fabric

Kitten with flower fabric

Another idea for the back with patchwork technique

Well, if it isn't a travelling kitten... Here I put a stamp on the back:

Parte trasera de la gatita viajera

Parte trasera de la gatita viajera

For the face of these cute kittens with patchwork technique

I also like this kitten idea. Instead of sewing the eyes with felt, I put two buttons with butterfly designs and the muzzle is oval instead of triangular:

Another idea for the kitten's face

Another idea for the kitten's face

Another idea for the back of these cute kittens with patchwork technique.

As I thought it had enough detail on the front, I didn't want to put anything on the back. Here you can clearly see that it is all one piece:

Detail of the back of the kitten

Detail of the back of the kitten

Want to see more? Watch the video below:


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